I'm Bryan Tuffnell. Originally from Richmond, Nelson, I stumbled onto mountaineering through a school library book (Gaston Rebuffat's uncompromisingly French On Snow and Rock). Climbing began for me in Nelson Lakes with a schoolmate, and we were lucky to have that fantastic playground to cut our teeth on. I still have a deep love for the peaks and basins of the Travers Range. Drawing on the forbearance of our parents, we managed to spend some time each summer trying our hand on the peaks of the central Alps.
At eighteen, I discovered hang gliding. By then I'd climbed Cook, Tasman and Aspiring, and had found my feet in the Alps. The freshness and outrageous liberation of hang gliding captivated me, and opened my eyes to other mountain sports: ski touring, whitewater kayaking and caving, then mountain biking. Hang gliding has lead me to other forms of human flight, and a love of journeys which combine a variety of experiences and activities. I enjoy being a beginner and learning something new.

I've climbed Aoraki's Caroline Face and flown a hang glider over its summit, paddled the Rangitata Gorge, traversed big chunks of the Alps, sailed in the Southern Ocean and a few et ceteras. While there have been some amazing personal moments in those achievements, I believe very firmly that outdoor pursuits are for everyone and that the most basic adventures can form the foundation of a rich and rewarding life. In an age of stardom, where extraordinary exploits performed by extraordinary individuals sell cars and sports drinks, I want to promote the notion that the outdoors are accessible to all.